
how much money do i need to travel to europe for 2 weeks

  1. How much money is the minimum needed to do two weeks in Europe? › ... › Travel › Europe (Continental) › Other - Europe

    Jan 6, 2010 - A pizza should run you 8 to 13 euro. Venice is about the most expensive place here in Italy. You'll also need to travel between the various  ...


    Mar 11, 1998 - 8 posts
    My frend and I are planning 2-weeks trip to Europe. It would be first time in Europe for both of us. ... Only you can determine how much you think you'll need. Then ... If youwant to visit the Louvre and other museums in Paris then I can highly recommend buying a museum card, which is available in almost all  ...

  3. How much money to bring to Italy for 10 days? | Europe Forum ... › Forums › Europe

    May 1, 2011 - Hello all: My husband and I are going to Italy in 2 weeks for 10 days. All hotels are pre paid and so are trains, cars, etc. The only thing we need to consider is food/drink and public ... Given I have never been to Italy, I have no idea how much money to ... In fact, we travel in Europe much as we do at home.

  4. How much do I need Europe for 3 weeks? - Lonely Planet travel forum

    Jun 5, 2011 - would like to go to Europe for 3 weeks, but I am not sure how much ...2. Think again money wise, most especially if all destinations are cities.

  5. How much spending money should I bring? - Europe - Contiki

    Tags: moneytravel and tour advice, spending moneyeuropetravel advice ... or something you really want to do or buy, you will have room in your budget. ... shopping, dining and entertainment hub which is scheduled to open in 2 years time.

  6. How much money should i save for 2 weeks in Europe? - London ...

    Sep 2, 2013 - 5 posts - ‎4 authors
    In Paris we can get a week on the Metro for 13.30 euros (a carnet of ... I'd save asmuch as possible and then spend as little as I could but do what I wanted. If you wantone splurge, go for it and enjoy low-cost things on other  ...

  7. How much I spent for 3 weeks in Europe - Money After Graduation

    Aug 22, 2012 - I realized I never did a final update of my travel spending for my ... that and I want to do it, but I'm hesitant to share too much of what I own on the blog ... I only charged 2 or 3 restaurants to my credit card and that's what's in the  ...

  8. How much money will we need for two week trip in Italy? - Genoa ... › ... › Italian Riviera › Genoa › Genoa travel forum

    Apr 17, 2011 - We're traveling to Italy in September for our two week honeymoon, we've ... Europe; Italy; Liguria; Italian Riviera; Genoa; Genoa travel forum ... We wouldbe keen to know how much other travelers have spent on similar trips.

  9. How much money do I need to visit Europe for two weeks? (life ... › City-Data Forum › World Forums › Europe

    Sep 27, 2013 - 10 posts - ‎5 authors
    I wanna visit London and Paris, outright. Then im interested in Barcelona, Rome, Berlin and Amsterdam. I wont be able to do all of them in two ...

  10. How much money would I need for 2 weeks in Europe ... › Archives › 2005-2007 › Travel, Tourism

    Mar 8, 2007 - 7 posts - ‎3 authors
    Im planning on taking a trip to Europe1 week in Poland and then the rest traveling on trains throughout Europe. How m How much money ...
  1. How much did you spend in Europe? - Travellerspoint Travel Forums › Travel Forums › Europe

    May 29, 2006 - 10 posts - ‎9 authors
    As I have read, many of you have travelled across Europe, and I'm sure ... so I wouldlike to know how much money you spent, let's say in one entire month? .... you'llneed around 1000-1500 CAN$ for the two weeks, with 750  ...

  2. Steph's Travels: How to Travel in Europe for 3 Weeks

    Nov 21, 2012 - Traveling for three weeks was no small feat. ... 7 Shirts and 2undershirts ... Grab a city or museum pass to save money, or look for free or reduced price days ... Many people do as it is a universal language, but we had a much better ...I spent our train rides journaling (hence my decreased need for books).

  3. What does a week in Europe cost? -

    Mar 12, 2009 - Home · News · Travel · Money · Sports · Life · Tech · Weather · Travel» ... "How much does a week-long vacation to Europe cost?" ... Consultant's answer: "How much do you want it to be?" Actually, that answer has more validity in the travelcontext than in business—variations are tremendous. But we can at  ...

  4. How Much Does It Cost To Backpack Europe - The Aussie Nomad

    Aug 2, 2011 - Choosing your backpack, what places do you visit, will I make... sticking point for me was just how much money I'd need to backpackEurope on my ..... We just got back from a two week backpacking vacation inEurope and it  ...

  5. How Much Money Do You Need To Start A Life Of Travel ... › Blog

    Sep 16, 2010 - The pressure to start earning money would have simply been non-existent, .... to europe, when you do your traveling you dont necessarilyneed a traveling .... if I postpone it to tomorrow, or day after, sometimes to even a week.

  6. The Ultimate Guide to Traveling When You Have No Money ...

    Oct 25, 2012 - Everything I do is focused on having more money for travel (and other things I .... You can find them in 90% of the major cities in Europe, and there are also a... Because food costs so much, campsites, hostels, apartments, and even some ... atwo-week vacation doesn't need to cost a huge sum of money.

  7. Do Eurail Passes Actually Save Money? | Nomadic Matt's Travel Site

    Nov 7, 2011 - Advance booking my above itinerary (using the 2 week advanced prices ... Whenever I need a pass, I buy from them as they are usually muchcheaper ... If you are going to do a lot of traveling around Europe, then yes, but if  ...

  8. Community Question: how much money should i take with me to ...

    Nov 12, 2010 - 11 posts - ‎11 authors
    ... how much money should i take with me to europe for 3 weeks in winter? ... if you're planning to use cheap (2-3*) hotels (Spain and Greece will be cheaper, but for ... If you're going to Paris then you might need more! ... Make sure you take out adequatetravel insurance, especially if you're planning to ski!

  9. Backpacking Europe 101 - rakasa - HubPages › Travel and Places

    Jun 22, 2011 - 1) How much time to you have to travel (2 weeks, 2 months, a whole year?) ... 3) How much money do you have available (Europe is not cheap, ... Can you eat from a grocery store or do you need a restaurant meal every night?

  10. How to Travel Through Europe: 5 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow › Home › Categories › Travel › Destinations › Europe

    Figure out how much time you want to spend in each place. ... For example, one day in a major capital like Madrid or Paris would be a shame. ... Cards (be aware that Credit Cards used in Europe will charge 2%-4% transaction fees. ... If you pack your travelschedule too tight, you will spend more money on a daily basis and  ...
  1. The 50 Best Budget Travel Tips by Rick Steves

    Ten dollars buy a fine picnic lunch for two anywhere in Europe. ... You'll get more taste for less money throughout Europe by ordering what's in season. ... While ATMs give the best possible rates, they do come with transaction fees. ... Four people sharing a car generally travel much cheaper than four individuals buying four  ...

  2. Traveling on the Cheap: Three Weeks in Europe for $2,500 ...

    Mar 30, 2011 - Traveling on the Cheap: Three Weeks in Europe for $2,500. Posted by... First, and most obviously, it cuts the cost of lodging in half without having to book atwo-bed room. ... Hostels may be cheap, but rentals give you more for your money. ...This is your vacation, so don't let other people tell you what to do.

  3. Planning a Trip to Europe: Your 10-Step Guide - Independent Traveler › Travel Tips › Europe

    Expedited services will trim the process down to two or three weeks, but it will cost ...Now that you know how much you can spend, where do you want to go? ... have a humongous list of places in Europe you want to visit, this could be tricky.

  4. Slow Travel - Bob the Navigator Europe Trip Planning, 22 Travel Tips › Europe Trip Planning

    Money. The conversion to the euro has made life much simpler in much of Europe. ...2. There is little need to get local currency until you arrive in Europe; use the ... Here is a Packing Guide of what we would take for a two week trip to Italy in  ...

  5. How Much Money Do You Really Need to Travel? - BootsnAll › Articles

    Apr 27, 2011 - Many people who would love to travel long term don't get past the ... travel experience had been limited to a 3 week trip to Europe. ... If you know that you're going to want to splurge on a nice hotel once a week, plan for that.

  6. One Month Before Your Vacation - Europe Travel - › ... › Travel Planning Timeline

    Here is what you need to get done about a month before your Europeanvacation, part ... thinking of your luggage, camera, money, electrical adapters and travel insurance. ... How much do you need per day in Europe? ... You Go · Two Months Before You Go · Right Before Leaving - Final Checklist ·Europe Travel 101 Index.

  7. How much travel money should I take with me on a RTW trip?

    How much travel money you'll need is a difficult question to answer because everyone ... Europe and Japan are both more expensive (per day) than say Cambodia, Central America or India. ... Do you normally hit 2 or 3 museums a week?

  8. anthonydpaul: Cost Breakdown of 2 Weeks in Europe

    Jul 14, 2009 - Cost Breakdown of 2 Weeks in Europe ... curiosity how much the 2-week Europe trip cost, since they want to go some time. ... Grand total includes alltravel expenses, hotels, pocket money, food, parking at the ... Saving money... If you wanted to go back and do the exact same trip for a lower cost (assuming  ...

  9. Interrailing: how much money do I need ? - Interrail - Eurail - Raildude › ... › Travel books, documents, money and safety

    hi everyone, i am headin interrrailin around europe for one month next ... well this time next week i shall be on a flying machine going to barcelona to start of me ... get help on how to plan the route ? and how much it would cost for 30 days travel ? ... by kathyd »: 2 Replies: 1062 Views: Last post by rnl · View the latest post  ...

  10. How I Saved $13,000 For Travel In Just Seven Months ... › Blog

    Jan 21, 2013 - How was I able to save enough money to travel long-term? ... Iwould allow myself no more than $500 every two weeks to spend on .... I told myself that I would need to make about $1,500 in advertising .... go Southeast Asia – we did Europe for 2 months and it cost much more than your trip did for 7 months!

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